Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Are You a Twit(terer)?

Ok, I have to confess that I've had a Twitter account for several months and until recently had only used it once to test it. I decided to pay more attention to it a little over a week ago when a friend of mine was raving about stuff she'd learned.

It was cumbersome to me to have to keep going back to the web page to see what had been posted. I just didn't get it. Then I started noticing the info at the end of some of the posts like "from Snitter", "from Twitterific", etc. So, I launched an investigation. (Technically, I picked one of the first things I saw and decided to try it out.) I found a Firefox extension called Twitbin. Every time I open my browser I can log in to see my twits. I can set it up to see all the "twits in the world" (you just have to love a phrase like that) or just the tweets from the folks in my network.

With that one act, I have discovered the magic of Twitter!

I have at my fingertips a network filled with some of the greatest brains in Educational Technology, some that are famous and some that should be! I can post a question and get assistance. I can see the interesting things they've discovered that day and share things that I find that day.

My network has doubled since last week. I went through the friend list of some of my friends and picked out names that I've been hearing through EdTech Talk and started following them. Some of them, in turn, now follow my tweets. I've even gained a follower or two that has evidently picked my name out of someone's list.

Twitter is such a powerful tool!

I live in a very rural area. I'm lucky to have a few very knowledgeable counterparts close by. But with Twitter, I have an ever increasing network of folks that I learn from and can share info with. I am no longer limited by my location.

The world truly is flat!

If you haven't tried Twitter then, you must go sign up. You can add misstizzy to your network. Just come on board and be a "Twit" like the rest of us!