Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Quia and NCDesk Wiki

So much for my plan to have this updated weekly. I don't know about you guys, but the beginning of this school year has been a real bear for me. Too much to do... too little time.

Let's get down to business!

I have found a resource, probably one that many of you already know about, that I feel is a great one to share. The resource is Quia. http://www.quia.com

It is an online quiz and activity creation site that allows teachers to set up quizzes, activities, calendars and much, much more. It can grade the quizzes you create and send you the results. You can set up classes and a class page for each of your classes. Then you can list the activities you want them to use and set up dates for use.

They offer a 30 day trial with an option to upgrade. A single user license for a year is around $50. I'm not sure about the pricing by school.

Even if you're not interested in setting up your own materials or receiving grades, you can still take advantage of the activities available that have been created by others. There are tons of activities on almost any topic imaginable. Here's a sample of what's available for keyboarding review: http://www.quia.com/shared/ (click on the keyboarding link and then click submit on the next page).

Stop by and check out the other items they have to offer. If you set up or have set up and Quia activities, make sure you stop by the Teaching 'N Technology Google Group - http://groups.google.com/group/TeachingNTechnology?lnk=srg&hl=en - and share your links.
I've started setting up a couple of quizzes and will be updating my page as I add more. http://www.quia.com/pages/teachingntechnology.html

NCDesk Wiki
Here's another resource I stumbled across regarding NCDesk. It's the NCDesk Wiki http://ncdesk.pbwiki.com/

It looks like it's still in its infancy stages, but does have some good information such as checklists of what to know for each area in NCDesk. This could be a great tool if it catches on.

Until next time...
Happy Computing!
